It looks like I may be doing some travel very soon, but I've got a pile of books I must finish reading before I go. I'm reading Shaw's great book on ACM and BFM, Fighter Combat. I read this book every couple of years or so. I experiment with some of Shaw's moves in the bitter box (simulator). I've noticed some of his tips in turning fights are helpful.
Mainly what I have been reading are books on directing documentaries, camera work and on using Final Cut Pro. Last night, I actually did my first green screen sequel and it's very funny. I green screened a buddha with his hand held up, and me flying the F-16 in the background. The Buddha says, "Oh no, you can't fly that jet! Peace, love and harmony!" and I say back, "Aw hell with that. Let's have some fun! Hold on to your belly, Buddha!"
It's very basic as it goes on from there, but it's a new editing skill I'm learning, and might as well goof off with it. A green screen is where you film something in the foreground, and them in the background, you have a blue or green back drop. In you editing program, you then replace that green back ground with another image of whatever you want as a new background.
I've bought some helmet cams too, and hope to figure these out and use them while I fly. I'm fooling around with a lot of velcro and superglue right now. The real need for these cams is the fact that soon I am doing a documentary on a motorcycle club in Europe. I love filming from machines! I think that is really fun to do. I'm looking forward to that.
After working so hard on Defcon 2012, I need a break. Sometimes it's a little rocky these days. I have had a big falling out with some liberal chicks that are food nazis, and I dubbed the conflict the Del Mar Beer Wars, just because they bugged me every time I saw them about my love of beer!
And yes, I love beer. The good kind. Handcrafted and imports, and yes a good cold Bud as long as the company is good.
Just as I type this, I just felt a strong aftershock to the big quake we had a couple of weeks ago. I feel a lot of them. They are centered near a volcano in Mexico, just across the border. It's interesting. My travel plans are on hold due to that volcanic eruption in Iceland too. Crazy times.
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