Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010

It looks like I may be doing some travel very soon, but I've got a pile of books I must finish reading before I go. I'm reading Shaw's great book on ACM and BFM, Fighter Combat. I read this book every couple of years or so. I experiment with some of Shaw's moves in the bitter box (simulator). I've noticed some of his tips in turning fights are helpful.
Mainly what I have been reading are books on directing documentaries, camera work and on using Final Cut Pro. Last night, I actually did my first green screen sequel and it's very funny. I green screened a buddha with his hand held up, and me flying the F-16 in the background. The Buddha says, "Oh no, you can't fly that jet! Peace, love and harmony!" and I say back, "Aw hell with that. Let's have some fun! Hold on to your belly, Buddha!"
It's very basic as it goes on from there, but it's a new editing skill I'm learning, and might as well goof off with it. A green screen is where you film something in the foreground, and them in the background, you have a blue or green back drop. In you editing program, you then replace that green back ground with another image of whatever you want as a new background.
I've bought some helmet cams too, and hope to figure these out and use them while I fly. I'm fooling around with a lot of velcro and superglue right now. The real need for these cams is the fact that soon I am doing a documentary on a motorcycle club in Europe. I love filming from machines! I think that is really fun to do. I'm looking forward to that.
After working so hard on Defcon 2012, I need a break. Sometimes it's a little rocky these days. I have had a big falling out with some liberal chicks that are food nazis, and I dubbed the conflict the Del Mar Beer Wars, just because they bugged me every time I saw them about my love of beer!
And yes, I love beer. The good kind. Handcrafted and imports, and yes a good cold Bud as long as the company is good.
Just as I type this, I just felt a strong aftershock to the big quake we had a couple of weeks ago. I feel a lot of them. They are centered near a volcano in Mexico, just across the border. It's interesting. My travel plans are on hold due to that volcanic eruption in Iceland too. Crazy times.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Here is a video I did, in a funky way, but it works for me as a way of making a record of what happened on Easter Sunday. During the heavy wave like motion, I was calm. I wouldn't know any other way. I was busy trying to get a i Touch seismograph to work.
They say this quake had not relieved the stresses on the San Andreas, and might had increased those stresses. That's the latest on that one.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This afternoon, I was napping, when I was woken up by a rattling house. It was pretty strong, and the whole house moved. I heard the structure making it's noises, and a rumbling sound. There were some things slapping too. I was not scared at all and merely was frustrated that I could not get my i Phone seismograph application on in time.
The shaker lasted about 40 seconds, and it eased off at one point, and then picked up again. I have been studying that region, where the quake happened, for years. There have been a lot of earth quake swarms in that area for years, and over the past few days, there had been many moderate quakes, one being 4.1. And then this 7.2 hit this afternoon.
The region where this 7.2 quake hit is in a rifting zone, and spreading zone, where the North American and Pacific plates are pulling apart. This kind of area is known for it's volcanism. There is a quiet cinder cone close to where this quake occured, and there is enough hot magma under it to heat up a lot of water. Right near this cinder cone is one of the world's bigger thermal energy power plants.
This concerns me, for this is not an isolated quake. It is a part of a complex system that includes a nearby magma chamber, other near by magma chambers, and several faults. All of which are a part of the the rifting zone. This is at the south end of the San Andreas system, which ends at Bombay Beach, at the Salton Sea. The Mid Ocean Range ends at the Salton Sea.
Well, anyways, I can go on about the science of all this. All we have to keep in mind, is that California sits on some complex ground, and the people here need to be prepared for earthquakes.
I expect more to come, and wonder just how much the local magma chambers are agitated. If they are, we run the risk for volcanism.
But I'm calm about it. Not one bit of fear. It's just the world doing what it does.
Let me add that I gathered more info on the damage in Mexicali and other cities via social networking, which was almost immediate. The news was two or three hours behind with the images. These two on Twitter. I got within an hour.
Here's a link and some pics.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Global Anomalies Linked to Large Hadron Collider
The other day, I watched a live webcast of the start and power-up of this world's biggest machine. I then watched as they moved the two particle beams closer to together and then meeting. Once they met, world breaking levels of energy was reached. It is said that this machine has the ability to crate black hole conditions, but scientists claim the the stability of these lacks, and they dissipate in nano-seconds. But still, strange lights have been seem before on CERN operating days, so who know what in the hell is going on. I personally welcome science, and it's discoveries. But I want the scoop on this one.
I jut hope it's all for the best.
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